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悬赏 求一篇文献 不要接收稿 不要接收稿 - [悬赏 10 金币] 文献求助 liuzilei 2019-11-11 2 100004 虫子 2019-11-12 09:02
悬赏 求助智能基础设施和建设国际会议记录的文献一篇 - [悬赏 5 金币] 文献求助 朝晓 2020-6-14 1 100018 善良的花朵 2020-6-14 12:28
悬赏 Discrimination of thyroglobulin from thyroid carcinoma tissue and - [悬赏 1 金币] 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-16 1 100024 善良的花朵 2020-7-16 13:52
悬赏 Autoantibodies to thyroglobulin in health and disease - [悬赏 1 金币] attachment 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-16 1 100057 善良的花朵 2020-7-16 22:17
悬赏 Purification of human anti-thyroglobulin - [悬赏 1 金币] 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-16 1 100180 善良的花朵 2020-7-16 22:21
悬赏 Comparative analysis of methods of determining antibodies to thyroglobulin - [悬赏 1 金币] 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-16 1 100099 善良的花朵 2020-7-16 22:23
悬赏 Immunoreactivity of multiple molecular forms of human thyroglobulin - [悬赏 1 金币] attachment 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-16 2 100067 善良的花朵 2020-7-16 22:31
悬赏 Polyreactivity is a property of natural and disease-associated - [悬赏 1 金币] 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-18 1 100172 善良的花朵 2020-7-18 11:48
悬赏 Comparative studies on immunological property of thyroglobulins obtained from - [悬赏 1 金币] 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-18 1 100047 善良的花朵 2020-7-18 11:48
悬赏 Epitope binding of human thyroglobulin autoantibodies of different - [悬赏 1 金币] 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-18 1 100120 善良的花朵 2020-7-18 20:14
悬赏 Various expressions of a unique anti-human thyroglobulin antibody repertoire - [悬赏 1 金币] 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-20 2 100169 ymc 2020-7-31 17:34
悬赏 Serum and tissue thyroglobulin measurement: clinical applications - [悬赏 1 金币] attachment 文献求助 zxwei 2020-7-18 1 100132 虫子 2020-7-18 11:46



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