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Protein needs are an important part of a healthy diet that everyone considers on both animal-based and plant-based diets. People eating meat, dairy, poultry, fish, and eggs typically eat one of these at each meal to meet their protein needs. This is largely due to how the food industry and our country’s culture have influenced our beliefs about food, and what’s normal in terms of meeting nutritional needs. There are nine essential amino acids out of the 20 total amino acids that exist to make up protein. Essential amino acids are not produced in the human body, therefore we have to eat them in order to get these critical amino acids into our systems. But first, why are amino acids important?


Here’s why you need vitamin B12, and where you can find it

What happens if you don’t get enough vitamin B12? “Vitamin B12 deficiency causes tiredness, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, and megaloblastic anemia,” the National Institutes of Health says. “Nerve problems, such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, can also occur. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include problems with balance, depression, confusion, dementia, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue.” A paper published this summer theorized that Mary Todd Lincoln’s well-known psychological and emotional problems were caused by a shortage of the vitamin. About 15 percent of Americans don’t get enough of it - and “a B12 deficiency can go undiagnosed for years,” J.J. Virgin writes in Prevention magazine.
Washington Post


Starvation Mode: Are We All Believing a Foolish Myth?

This phenomenon, according to Livestrong, affects anyone who eats below their recommended daily caloric intake and makes weight loss nearly impossible. First, it’s important to take a look at what exactly starvation mode is supposed to look like. Authority Nutrition explains that essentially, starvation mode is damage done to your metabolism through restricting calories for a prolonged period of time.
The Cheat Sheet


Feeling Sick? 3 Contagious Viruses Going Around Right Now

The disgusting, can’t-keep-your-food-down, can’t-make-it-out-of-bed illness that is the stomach flu. This illness, which causes inflammation of the stomach and/or intestines (aka acute gastroenteritis), is highly contagious, and symptoms typically develop 12 to 48 hours after being exposed. In addition to the obvious inconveniences, symptoms include nausea, stomach pain, fever, and body aches.
The Cheat Sheet


Substance with the potential to postpone aging

The coenzyme NAD+ plays a main role in aging processes. In mice and roundworm adding the substance can both extend life and postpone the onset of aging processes. New research conducted at the Center for Healthy Aging and the American National Institute of Health shows that this new knowledge will eventually be able to help patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. As we live longer and longer, a lot of people are occupied with their state of health and, not least, quality of life in old age. Therefore, researchers all over the world are trying to understand aging mechanisms, as this knowledge may eventually help to postpone physical aging and extend life. None of the existing explanations


Scientists Agree This Is The Most Effective Diet For Weight Loss

Run a Google search for the “best diet for weight loss,” and you’ll get 11,200,000 results. Near all of them will disagree as to what the best diet for weight loss actually is. Some will say that low-fat diets are the way to go, and others will maintain that carbs, sugar or gluten are evil minions that sew your clothes tighter and tighter every night while you’re sleeping. Counting calories is always a popular approach. But, then again, elimination and intermittent fasting diets are all the rage right now. Pump the breaks and back up the cursor. While there are definite health pros and cons to every approach, in the end, experts and studies agree that getting hung up on those details is a lot
The Huffington Post

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