
美国加州大学河滨分校UC Riverside医疗机器人课题组招收全奖博士生




美国加州大学河滨分校UC Riverside医疗机器人课题组招收全奖博士生

TwoPhD positions are available in Jun Sheng’s group at University of CaliforniaRiverside (UCR). Jun Sheng will join the Department of Mechanical Engineering atUCR as an assistant professor in Fall 2019. He is seeking highly motivated graduatestudents. His research interests include surgical robotics, medical devices, smartactuation and sensing, and additive manufacturing. These techniques can beapplied for the treatment of a variety of diseases, such as brain tumor, mitralregurgitation, lung cancer, peripheral artery disease, etc.

Theprospective students are expected to have strong interests and/or backgroundsin mechanical design, mechanics, and control. Students with degrees in mechanicalengineering, electric engineering, or biomedical engineering are encouraged toapply. For the Ph.D. program, a master’s degree is preferred but not required,and the minimum requirement of GRE is 150 (V) + 165 (Q) + 3 (AW). The Ph.D.students will be fully funded with fellowships or assistantships that can covertuition, living expenses, and medical insurance.

UCRis an “R1” - highest research activity - institution located 60 miles to theeast of Los Angeles. It utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. UCR ranks85 among national universities in the 2019 edition of US News Best Colleges.

Ifinterested, please send your CV, personal statement, standard test scores, andtranscripts to Jun Sheng at junsheng@gatech.edu with the subject “UCRApplication_Your Name”. Online applications should be submitted by June 1stfor fall admission, September 1st for winter admission, and December1st for spring admission.

美国加州大学河滨分校UC Riverside医疗机器人课题组招收全奖博士生
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