研究使用平台:NMT植物重金属创新科研平台 期刊:Journal of HazardousMaterials 主题:NMT发现杨树雌雄株根系吸Cd速率差异揭示其不同耐Cd策略 标题:Are males andfemales of Populus cathayana differentially sensitive to Cd stress 影响因子:7.65 检测指标:Cd2+流速 检测样品:杨树 Cd2+流实验处理方法: 雌雄杨树幼苗在0或50μM CdCl2中处理120天 Cd2+流实验测试液成份: 0.05 mM CdSO4、0.25 mM NaCl,0.05 mM KCl,0.1 mMNa2SO4,pH 6.0 作者:杭州师范大学李春阳、刘秒
中文摘要(谷歌机翻) 这项研究阐明了白杨在雄性和雌性中镉吸收,转运和排毒的机理,并揭示了一种雌雄异株的植物应对镉污染的新策略。
Net Cd2+ fluxes in apical and mature zones of roots
英文摘要 Thisstudy clarifies the mechanisms of Cd uptake, translocation and detoxificationin Populus cathayana Rehder females and males, and reveals a novel strategy fordioecious plants to cope with Cd contamination.
Females exhibited a high degree of Cd uptake and root-to-shoot translocation,while males showed extensive Cd accumulation in roots, elevated antioxidativecapacity, and effective cellular and bark Cd sequestration.
Our study also found that Cd is largely located in epidermal and corticaltissues of male roots and leaves, while in females, more Cd was present invascular tissues of roots and leaves, as well as in leaf mesophyll. Inaddition, the distributions of sulphur (S) and phosphorus (P) were very similaras that of Cd in males, but the associations were weak in females.
Scanning electron microscopy and energy spectroscopy analyses suggested thatthe amounts of tissue Cd were positively correlated with P and S amounts inmales, but not in females (a weak correlation between S and Cd). Transcriptionaldata suggested that Cd stress promoted the upregulation of genes related to Cduptake and translocation in females, and that of genes related to cell wallbiosynthesis, metal tolerance and secondary metabolism in males.
Our results indicated that coordinated physiological, microstructural andtranscriptional responses to Cd stress endowed superior Cd tolerance in malescompared with females, and provided new insights into mechanisms underlyingsexually differential responses to Cd stress.
JHM:NMT发现杨树雌雄株吸镉速率差异揭示其不同耐镉策略 |